All people must have done something wrong and hurt people. However, ten celebrities is considered the worst-behaved man of the year. Who are they? The following list is quoted from Betty Confidential.
1. John Edwards
U.S. politicians are betraying the wife who loved him very much. And then his wife, Elizabeth, had cancer.
2. Christian Bale
Starring Bruce Wayne was never committed violence on the woman’s mother and brother. Bale reportedly violence done just because the two people closest to him asking for money.
3. Tiger Woods
Golfers make a sensation with this one affair with many women. Not only adult women but also young women under age. The scandal has made the household leads to divorce.
4. Mel Gibson
The actor is arguably a very selfish. He is survived by his wife Robyn in order to be able to live together with Oksana Grigorieva, a young girl. His relationship with Oksana also no happy ending. He does violence to Oksana and prosecuted in court.
5. Jon Gosselin
Reality show star describes vividly his dissatisfaction at what he found. With children funny and beautiful wife, she seems to easily do the affair.
6. John Mayer
He uses his charm to conquer a lot of women. After that he spit in the woman’s sexual life. Jennifer Aniston and Jessica Simpson had been a victim.
8. Jesse James
This tattooed guy is really disappointing many parties, not just Sandra Bullock. Skandalnya tattooed with an erotic dancer Michelle “Bombshell” McGee Sandara Bullock revealed right after getting an Oscar.
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